by Alessandro Nardone Since I published The Predestined, who also is a novel, I receive daily messages from people who, after reading it, I...
Hi, what are you looking for?
by Alessandro Nardone Since I published The Predestined, who also is a novel, I receive daily messages from people who, after reading it, I...
by Alessandro Nardone In Italy, when you talk about Snowden think of the United States. Big mistake, son of that not so veiled indifference...
Last night I wrote to a distant friend. Mind you, in this case the concept of the mean distance in its metaphysical sense, that...
To those who, like myself, is now at the threshold of the forty and has a minimum of familiarity with computers, the Napster name...
Five minutes. May be nothing or may revolutionize everything. I was thinking this the other day, looking at one spot viral on Youtube: think...
by Debra Chang Alessandro Nardone I was blown away. Yeah, because when he told me that she was working on his new book, I...
Che noia, gli appelli vergati dagli intellettuali. Esercizi di retorica un tanto al chilo, servita ai malcapitati lettori di turno con una bella spolveratina...
“L’Isis è il virus, e noi siamo la cura”: comincia così, con una parafrasi di una delle frasi dell’epica stalloniana d’antan, il video con...
«Mattarella… Mattarella… Mattarella…», la voce femminile della Boldrini scandiva da ormai qualche minuto, con tono inevitabilmente meccanico, il nome di quello che di lì...
Dopo una giornata come quella di ieri, riempire questa pagina bianca, è difficile e semplice al tempo stesso. La difficoltà è figlia dell’emotività e...